Gather 25 is a 25-Hour Gathering of the Global Church For Prayer, Worship, Repentance and Commissioning happening on every single continent starting in North America on Friday, February 28, at 7pm. The goal is for churches and groups to host the simulcast. There are some big players getting behind this including The Bible Project, You Version Bible, IF Gathering, Right Now Media, Barna Group, Dallas Theological Seminary, Radical, Living Water, American Bible Society, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Cru, Alpha, The Jesus Film, Luis Palau Association, and Seed Company. We are looking forward to hosting Gather 25 here at Vital 2 Life where we will have Live True Worshippers, Prayer Ministers and share together in the goodness of Our LORD. We are expecting great things. This is truly going to be a historic, global gathering for prayer, worship, repentance, and commissioning and we are glad to participate.