
First Time Appointments

Thank you for considering our services in meeting your faith-based counseling needs.

We strive to make the process of starting your counseling journey as simple as possible, with only two steps.

Step 1

Please take 5-10 minutes to Complete and Submit Our Client Intake Form. If this appointment will be for a minor, you will need to take an additional 2 minutes to Complete our Minor Consent Form.

*Appointments will not be scheduled without the required forms.

Step 2

Schedule your appointment. Upon receiving your intake form, our office will contact you to assist you in scheduling your first appointment. If you have submitted our intake form and not heard back from our office within 24 hours, please feel free to contact us by phone or email.

Phone: 832-736-0270

Frequently Asked Questions

We keep our fees well below market value at just $85 for each individual session. Married/Premarital couples’ sessions are $170 each. Children, 12 and under are $60 per session. Each new client must complete an initial temperament assessment, see explanation below, which costs $85 per person and is not included in the previously stated session fees. The assessment fee is collected in addition to the first session fee.

The Arno Profile System assists Christian Counselors by looking at and identifying a persons’ spiritual genetics.

​The Arno Profile System (APS Report), named after its founders, Dr. Richard and Phyllis Arno, is the tool used to identify a person’s temperament.​

Temperament, in simple terms, is the inborn (not genetic, i.e. brown hair, blue eyes, etc.) part of man that determines how he reacts to people, places, and things. In short, it is how people interact with their environments and the world around them. Temperament pinpoints our perception of ourselves and the people who love us. It is also the determining factor in how well we handle the stresses and pressures of life.

​Temperament can best be defined as Spiritual genetics or God’s imprint upon each one of us. Three are involved in the conception of a child, the mother, the father, and the Creator.

Sessions are 50 minutes in length for clients ages 13 and up. Sessions for minors ages 12 and under are 30 minutes in length.

Your child’s counselor welcomes parent involvement in their child’s healing journey. Parents of minors will be part of their first session. Parents will be asked to attend future sessions with the child present or, sometimes, without the child present. Parents are always welcome to schedule a check in with the counselor.

No, we do not take insurance.

We offer assistance on a case-by-case basis. If you are interested in receiving assistance, please fill out our Financial Assistance Form and our offices will contact you with the ministry’s prayerful decision. 

Vital 2 Life's Financial Policy

Our policy, as set forth by our Board, is that payment is due by 5pm the evening before your scheduled appointment and by 12 Noon on Friday for Monday Appointments. This payment will stand as a confirmation of your appointment. In an effort to protect our counselors’ time and that of our other clients, appointments will be canceled if they remain unconfirmed due to lack of payment. We thank you for understanding.